Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What Is Power?

Someone has power when multiple people look up to them for guidance. The followers support this "person in charge"and the person in charge can control them. Power is control.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Extreme Silence in the Loud Mind, A Chapel Speech

The back rooms in the library are really fun and I hope whoever is watching this is Ms. Zimmer and Ms. Zimmer only. Photo Booth quality, my apologies.

I'm serious, don't watch this if you're not Ms. Zimmer.

Thank you, Pomfret.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Death Is Unavoidable and These Essays Are Still Sad, A Response For Ms. Zimmer

First of all, I'd like to say The Death of the Moth was a far greater essay than The Courage of Turtles. However, they still connect based on messages the essays are trying to share with the reader.

I think people admire animals because we're not that different, yet at the same time, we're not the same at all. Humans and animals have hearts, stomachs, eyes, feet, all of it. But we're in our own world while they're in theirs. Humans go to the store to buy food. Yet each animal has their own survival strategy. We admire animals because we want to understand their way of life and figure out how they feel in the same world we live in.

Hoagland and Woolf essentially admire the struggle of life and death in turtles and moths. When the turtle is about to die, it doesn't just die. It struggles for a while, but still tries it's hardest to swim. Yes, it drowns, but it tried, at least it tried. Death is just unavoidable in general. For the moth, it continued to try it's hardest to continue to flutter about from sides of the window, but eventually, it just got too tired to fully lift itself back up to those heights. When it fell, it clearly struggled and strained itself, but then it just died after all of that. "O yes, he seemed to say, death is stronger than I am." The authors are basically trying to say we all have to accept death and death wins the war because that is the end of humans and animals.

I admire seahorses. They're so small but they have their own life they need to live; they have their own way to survive. And still, they're just so helpless. You could crush one between your fingers and that would be it. They just seem so peaceful and content with their life. They have it all figured out.